Chaptcer 05 Induction and Recursion 归纳与递归

Part 01 Induction

covering 5.1~5.2

1. Mathematical Induction 数学归纳法

1.1. Framework 基本框架

Prove by mathematical induction:

  1. Basis step : Establish P(1)

  2. Inductive step : Prove that

  3. Conclusion: , where the domain is the set of positive integers

Express this in the proposition form:

This is the (first) principle of Mathematical Induction, and it also has the following form

1.2. The Validity of Mathematical Induction 数学归纳法的有效性

The validity of mathematical induction follows from the well-ordering property良序性公理) for the set of positive integers.

1.3. the Well-Ordering Property 良序性公理

A set S is well ordered if every nonempty subset of S has a least element.

For example,

  1. N is well ordered

  2. Z is not well ordered under the relation (Z has no smallest element).

  3. (0, 1) is not well ordered since (0,1) does not have a least element.

The well-ordering property : Every nonempty set of nonnegative integers has a least element.

1.3.1. Proofs Using the Well-ordering property


Use the well-ordering property to prove the division algorithm. The division algorithm states that if a is an integer and d is a positive integer, then there are unique integers q and r, with such that .

The existence part

Let S be the set of nonnegative integers of the form a-dq, where q is an integer. This set is nonempty.

By the well-ordering property, S has a least element r=a-dq0.

The integer r is nonnegative. It is also the case that r<d. If it were not, then there would be a smaller nonnegative element in S, namely, .

Consequently, there exist integers q and r with 0≤r<d.


In a round-robin tournament every player plays every other player exactly once and each match has a winner and loser. We say that the players form a cycle if beats , beats , …, beats , and beats . Using the well-ordering principle to show that if there is a cycle of length m () among the players in a round-robin tournament, there must be a cycle of three of these players


We assume that there is no cycle of three players. Because there is at least one cycle in the round-robin tournament, the set of all positive integers n for which there is a cycle of length n is nonempty. By the well-ordering property, this set of positive integers has a least element k, which by assumption must be greater than three. Consequently, there exists a cycle of players and no shorter cycle exists.

Because there is no cycle of three players, we know that k > 3. Consider the first three elements of this cycle, , , and . There are two possible outcomes of the match between and .

  1. If beats , it follows that , , is a cycle of length three, contradicting our assumption that there is no cycle of three players.
  2. If it is the case that beats , this means that we can omit from the cycle , , , . . . , to obtain the cycle of length k − 1, contradicting the assumption that the smallest cycle has length k.

  3. We conclude that there must be a cycle of length three.

1.4. Why Mathematical Induction is Valid


Assume that there is at least one positive integer for which P(n) is false.

S: the set of positive integers for which P(n) is false.

Then S is nonempty.

By the well-ordering property, S has a least element, which will be denoted by m.

Then , m-1 is a positive integer. m-1 is not in S. So P(m -1) is true.

Since the implication is also true, P(m) must be true.

By contradiction,

1.5. The Good and Bad of Mathematical Induction

1.5.1. The Good

  • can be used to prove a conjecture once it is has been made and is true

1.5.2. The Bad

  • Proofs do not provide insights as to why theorems are true

    You can prove a theorem by M.I. even if you do not have the slightest idea why it is true!

  • Cannot be used to find new theorems

1.6. More General Form 广义形式

The usage only differs at the basic step, we need to establish P(b) here!

2. Strong Induction 强归纳法

2.1. Framework 基本框架

  1. Basis Step: We verify that the proposition P(1) is true.
  2. Inductive Step: We show that the conditional statement is true for all positive integers k.

  3. Conclusion:

This is also the second principle of Mathematical Induction

3. Comparison Between M.I and S.I 两种归纳法的对比

Take a problem as an example.

Prove that every amount of postage of 12 cents or more can be formed using just 4-cent and 5-cent stamps

Method Mathematical Induction Strong Induction
Basis Step P(12) is true because postage of 12 cents can be formed using three 4-cent stamps P(12), P(13), P(14), and P(15) hold
Inductive Step The inductive hypothesis P(k) for any positive integer k.Then to show P(k + 1) where k ≥ 12, we consider two cases a)
a) If at least one 4-cent stamp has been used, then a 4-cent stamp can be replaced with a 5-cent stamp to yield a total of k + 1 cents.
b)Otherwise, no 4-cent stamp have been used and at least three 5-cent stamps were used. Three 5-cent stamps can be replaced by four 4-cent stamps to yield a total of k + 1 cents.
Assume that P(j) is true for all positive integers j with 12 ≤ j ≤ k, where k ≥ 15. Show that P(k+1) is true under the assumption.
Using the inductive hypothesis, holds since k − 3 ≥ 12. To form postage of k + 1 cents, add a 4-cent stamp to the postage for k − 3 cents


  1. The validities of both mathematical induction and strong induction follow from the well-ordering property.

  2. In fact, mathematical induction, strong induction, and well-ordering are all equivalent principles.

4. Connection Between the Three Things 三者关系

The Mathematical Induction, the Strong Induction, and the well-ordering property is actually the same thing!

4.1. 1. From W.P to M.I

See the validity of M.I, where the proof from W.P to M.I is given. We will omit the proof here.

4.2. 2. From W.P to S.I

Show that strong induction is a valid method of proof by showing that it follows from the well-ordering property

Assume that the well-ordering property holds. Suppose that P(1) is true and that the conditional statement is true fore very positive integer n. Let S be the set of positive integers n for which P(n) is false.We will show S = ∅. Assume that . Then by the well-ordering property there is a least integer m in S.We know that m cannot be 1 because P(1) is true. Because n = m is the least integer such that P(n) is false, P(1), P(2), . . . , P (m−1) are true, and m−1 ≥ 1. Because is true, it follows that P(m) must also be true, which is a contradiction. Hence, S = ∅.

4.3. 3. From M.I to W.P

Show that the well-ordering property can be proved when the principle of mathematical induction is taken as an axiom.

Suppose that the well-ordering property were false. Let S be a nonempty set of nonnegative integers that has no least element. Let P(n) be the statement “” P(0) is true because if 0 ∈ S then S has a least element, namely, 0. Now suppose that P(n) is true. Thus, . Clearly, n+1 cannot be in S, for if it were, it would be its least element. Thus P(n+1) is true. So by the principle of mathematical induction, for all nonnegative integers n. Thus, S = ∅, a contradiction.

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